Beyond Success: Why Character Matters in Balancing Your Life

Your Personal Values Will Define Your Future
Why do so many practices and businesses struggle or fail today?
In some cases, it is simply due to poor structures, incompetence, or an unwillingness to adapt or persevere.
However, the more subtle reason is often that a line was crossed (or many lines).
Giant tech startups appear out of thin air, boasting top dollar revenue and stock prices, only to disappear just as quick. And the ones that make the news tend to have common threads…
…fraud, extra marital affairs, embezzlement, perjury, forgery, insider trading…
In other words, these leaders and organizations lacked character.
“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” – John Wooden
Developing Character
Why does character matter for your life balance?
It’s because character development is an essential aspect of personal growth and plays a significant role in shaping your life and your future.
And it isn’t easy.
Character development is a process of cultivating traits such as honesty, empathy, self-discipline, perseverance, and integrity (to name a few).
It’s easy to want a balanced life with margin in your days, simplicity in your endeavors, and investment in your relationships.
But maturing in character takes work. It must be honed and sharpened every day and in a variety of situations.
To help make this stick…
I’ve come up with 4 reasons why it’s crucial to grow in character:
Enhancing Relationships
Character development helps us become better versions of ourselves and improves our relationships. When we consistently exemplify integrity and respect toward others, it fosters healthy and meaningful relationships. This goes beyond simple kind platitudes or gestures and points to a deeper recognition of the dignity and value of our loved ones with every interaction.
Professional Success
Clients and employers alike will value people who display strong character traits such as accountability, dependability, and honesty. As in the example of failed leaders above, lacking the character to say “no” to the wrong things and “yes” to the right things will make it more difficult to stay at the top, be a team player, or advance in your career. This does not mean you can’t come back from failure. But having strong character can not only prevent major disasters but also help to mitigate the process of recovery after mistakes.
Navigating Life Challenges
Character provides the strength and ability to meet challenges with grace and resilience. Hardship and adversity will come. How you respond to those conflicts will reveal your character. Often times the hard decisions are the simple ones. Practice making the right choice to give you the foundation and confidence to do it again.
Societal Contribution
When we cultivate our character and personal values we are contributing to the greater good of society. We become more compassionate, empathetic, and altruistic. We are more likely to recognize the value and dignity of every individual, even those with which we disagree. And we will engage in acts of kindness and contribute to the welfare of our communities, making the world and our sphere of influence a better place.
But don’t stop here.
Take some time to identify your values, set some goals, practice self-awareness and self-discipline, and take responsibility for your actions.
Do you know what your values are? Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave behind? What impression do you have on your loved ones? How do you want to be remembered? Which habits are holding you back? What habits do you need to install?
The answers to these questions will reveal the strength of your character, bring stability in your life, and define your future.