Focus Daily Blog
Laugh Together, Love Forever: Embracing FUN in Your Marriage
Roommates or Soulmates? Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with love, companionship, and shared dreams. Yet, somewhere along the way, we can forget the simple joy of being with our spouse. Caught up in the demands of daily life, responsibilities, and routines, we can lose sight of what (or [...]
Unlocking Real Intimacy in Marriage
I know what you're thinking... "Oh geez, Derrick's going to talk about sex on his blog?!" Well...kinda. This (or something close to it) is often where people's minds immediately go when they hear the word "intimacy." Although bedroom activities are a wonderful aspect found within the context of marriage, [...]
Marriage: It’s Not for You
Marriage is simple... Before you shut down your device and hunt me down, hear me out. Marriage is an institution rooted in love and commitment, a beautiful union between a man and a woman. It is incredibly difficult, but we tend to overcomplicate it. And in our quickly shifting [...]
Made for Connection: The Spirit-Filling Power of Weekly Gathering
The need and purpose of gathering with others... We are living in the most widely connected world in history. So why, at times, does it feel so disconnected? Likes, comments, posts, videos, texts, emails, tweets, snaps, stories... There are limitless ways for us to interact with others who we [...]
From Chaos to Calm: 5 Strategies to Settle Your Spirit
Is the pace of your life sustainable? Too many of us are living with an unsettled spirit. We rush around living at mind-numbing speeds to avoid our own thoughts and feelings. We don't take the time to practice prayer and meditation, causing us to ignore the bigger and more [...]
Mind, Body, and…WHAT?! The ONE Question You MUST Answer
What on earth does worship have to do with productivity or eliminating overwhelm? I'm glad you asked. In short... Everything. In our culture, especially the medical profession, we love to talk about the importance of "Mind, Body, Spirit". We acknowledge the three-fold nature of each individual and even explain to [...]