Laugh Together, Love Forever: Embracing FUN in Your Marriage

Roommates or Soulmates?

Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with love, companionship, and shared dreams.

Yet, somewhere along the way, we can forget the simple joy of being with our spouse.

Caught up in the demands of daily life, responsibilities, and routines, we can lose sight of what (or rather, who) is truly important.

And if we’re not careful, we can begin to gradually transform the relationship into that of mere roommates, losing sight of the joy that is readily available to us!

Fading Fun

In the initial stages of your relationship, the excitement and exhilaration naturally paved the way for endless laughter, shared adventures, and an abundance of fun.

However, as time passes, the flame of fun can dim.

Couples often find themselves immersed in responsibilities, careers, and other obligations, leaving little room or time for lightheartedness.

Almost as a default, we can slip into a monotonous rhythm of life and lose sight of the vibrant connection that initially brought us together.

Is this the inevitable result of marriage?


Thinking this way assumes that we DON’T have enough time…

When, in reality, we need to prioritize the active pursuit of, and enjoyment in, our spouse.

But how do you do this in a new context of life?

Be it a growing career, starting a family, or other significant life changes, life looks and feels different…because it is!

And this is not a bad thing. It’s just different. Which means you get to figure out new ways to have fun TOGETHER.

So ask yourself this: What would life be like if you actively and intentionally sought to enjoy your spouse?

Imagine a relationship where laughter is abundant and the joy of being together radiates through the everyday routine.

By rekindling the spirit of fun, you have the opportunity to embark on a journey filled with mutual happiness and create lasting memories.

Don’t think Pinterest or Instagram-worthy fun (that’s sure to extinguish that delicate flame).

I’m talking about real, lasting, and enduring enjoyment that where you can laugh at each other without judgement or condemnation. Where small annoyances remain small and you quickly work through them with kindness and understanding. Where you are comfortable to try new things while leaning into hard won traditions and routines to create the space to do so.

Without the vitality of fun, a marriage may become a mere shadow of what it once was, leaving both partners longing for something more.

Fortunately, revitalizing the fun in a marriage does not require grand gestures or elaborate plans. Small, intentional steps can make a significant difference.

Here are 4 simple ways to keep the flame of fun burning in your marriage:

  1. Make Time

    As I mentioned above, it can seem like there’s not enough time in a day…which is why God gave us weeks! You have 168 hours in a week. Surely you can devote 1-2 hours (1.2%) of your week doing something together that brings joy and fun to your relationship.

  2. Create a Goal

    Come up with a shared goal to accomplish. I totally get that one of you (or both) in a marriage might be freaked out by making a goal for something as unquantifiable as love and joy. But get creative and have fun with it! Create a Netflix playlist of 10 movies you both want to watch. Do it yourself wine or beer tasting. Try cooking something unique together. (You can always use Chat GPT for inspiration😜).

  3. Establish Traditions & Rituals

    Every family has different traditions. This is your chance to create fun rituals for yourself! Or make spinoffs from what your parents did. Establish traditions that bring joy and excitement to YOUR relationship. Whether it’s a monthly game night, a weekend getaway, or celebrating special occasions in meaningful ways, these rituals can strengthen the bond and create cherished memories.

  4. Embrace Spontaneity

    This one’s a tough one for routine-lovers like me. But a simple surprise with small gestures, random acts of kindness, or spontaneous outings can inject freshness and spontaneity into your relationship, fostering an atmosphere of fun and anticipation.

When you actively prioritize fun in your marriage you unlock a myriad of benefits.

Fun allows couples to let their guards down and be vulnerable with each other, fostering a deeper emotional connection and strengthening the bond of trust.

By infusing humor and enjoyment into your relationship, you create a safe haven where each of you can escape the pressures of daily life and find solace in each other’s presence. In other words, it’s hard to be stressed when you are laughing and feeling lighthearted.

And, of course, fun brings you closer together, reigniting the spark of intimacy.

So resolve to work together to infuse fun into your marriage!

I’m a life and productivity coach and if you want help with practical tools and coaching to prioritize fun in your marriage…

Book A Call

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