Focus Daily Blog
Fit Body, Focused Mind: 5 Steps to Get Your Exercise Back on Track
"Claim your calendar before someone else does." - Michael Hyatt In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to find enough time to fit everything in. Despite our best intentions, exercise and physical activity are often the first things to get pushed aside when [...]
From Foggy to Focused: 7 Tips to Fuel Your Productivity
Why are you struggling to focus? As much as I love and have dedicated myself to productivity and time management, there are still days where I can't seem to shake the distractions. I find myself going back to this "fake productivity" where I plow through a lot of low-leverage [...]
Sleep Tight, Live Right: 10 Strategies to Get Great Sleep and Boost Performance
Many professionals believe the lie that they can function off little sleep without consequence You've done it. I've done it. The all-nighter because you can. A late night catching up on work. The earlier-than-necessary morning because you forgot to plan ahead. At first, this can start as a one-time [...]
Beyond Success: Why Character Matters in Balancing Your Life
Your Personal Values Will Define Your Future Why do so many practices and businesses struggle or fail today? In some cases, it is simply due to poor structures, incompetence, or an unwillingness to adapt or persevere. However, the more subtle reason is often that a line was crossed (or many [...]
How to Take Control
Regulating Your Emotions: The Power of Self-Control Many medical professionals can find themselves stuck in their work and life. You might be struggling with passion for your job. Experiencing difficulty in relationships with your spouse or children. Feeling stressed from the weight of your responsibilities. Lacking compassion for your [...]
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Mind
A True Measure of Strength You have something very powerful that you carry with you everywhere you go. No one can take it away from you. You can't set it down or give it away. But if neglected, it will be your largest obstacle and greatest enemy. Your [...]